Well every knows that how to search in the google but google also have some special keywords and commands to search your query very accuracy and fast

1.[ ] (brackets):-
here but using the above symbols we even you can reduce the query we can search more effectively.
EG: If you want to type how to became a hacker in the google query.
Instead of that we can type [became hacker] in the query.
Google doesn't look the common words like they,is,than,the etc...,
The google only focus on only main keywords by using the above syntax we can save sometime.

2." + " operator
This operator will very useful for in the particular important words..
EG: If you want to type ethical hacker in the Google search engine.The google search engine gives the same priority to the both words
But if you type like this ethical +hacking The google gives priority of the word hacking instead of ethical

3." - " operator:-
In this operator just like opposite to the + symbol.
If you use - symbols its just negliates the word in the query.

4. " | "operator(OR)
This operator helps to check all the possibilities that you enter on the queary.
EG:- If you type raja | sekhar Then teh search engine will check the websites either raja OR sekhar if it exists one then it will shows you the website.

" 5. " .. " Dots
This two Dots operators are mainly used in the comparison or in-between of two values either money,years,days,months etc.,