Everyone knows that Goolg eis great search engine in this world.We can find any solution for any problem.But so many people don't know how google works

so in this post we are gonna learn how google works.
Google search engine or any other search engines maintain some algorithms to send the answer to the people who ask the question.
so google also maintains some algorithms called SPIDERS what the algorithm do is to capture all the data who are gonna upload into the internet.

We need to remember these words while searching
1. The google doesn't take the words like the,it,then,is,etc..., and all common words
In the above example i type what is the name of obama daughter name In the google.
THe google search engine ignores the normal keywords like what,is,the The search engine just takes obama,name,daughter Important words..So dont waste your time by tying the normal keywords.

Well every knows that how to search in the google but google also have some special keywords and commands to search your query very accuracy and fast

1.[ ] (brackets):-
here but using the above symbols we even you can reduce the query we can search more effectively.
EG: If you want to type how to became a hacker in the google query.
Instead of that we can type [became hacker] in the query.
Google doesn't look the common words like they,is,than,the etc...,
The google only focus on only main keywords by using the above syntax we can save sometime.

2." + " operator
This operator will very useful for in the particular important words..
EG: If you want to type ethical hacker in the Google search engine.The google search engine gives the same priority to the both words
But if you type like this ethical +hacking The google gives priority of the word hacking instead of ethical

3." - " operator:-
In this operator just like opposite to the + symbol.
If you use - symbols its just negliates the word in the query.

4. " | "operator(OR)
This operator helps to check all the possibilities that you enter on the queary.
EG:- If you type raja | sekhar Then teh search engine will check the websites either raja OR sekhar if it exists one then it will shows you the website.

" 5. " .. " Dots
This two Dots operators are mainly used in the comparison or in-between of two values either money,years,days,months etc.,

If you understand how google works its just give you what you search..
EG: If you search for pavan kalyan name in the google it will search all the websites and give you the results of websites where the name pavan kalyan exists with in 0.02 sec it will gives lakhs or thousands of results based on the searching query.

If you enter the query in the search bar and click on i'm feeling lucky option then it doesn't give you the all the result links.. it just finds the high viewed website in front of you based on the query you search in google
And the second step is advanced search option
By this this option we can make or set your needs of searches in the queary what you want.and the image just looks like this

I think everyone knows about the google and its gives a lot of information about what you search. But so many people people don't know how to search the or advanced searching of google to search effectively about what u search like hacking and so on.... the beginners of hacking dont know how to start and they asks the people and join in some communities to know but asking people is much difficult because some people feel good to answer but some people not...for that people google is the master i think blog will teach u searching techniques of google for noobs..i mean beginners.... !.about google darking
Before going to know about advanced searching of google...we need to about the TOR BROWSER.. Use google in the normal browsers like chrome,Mozilla etc.. for the normal information not for the information like hacking and some related searches because Google will tracking you everyday,minute,second..through your IP address etc... so,this brows will will hide your identification and your can search anything in google anonymously(none one can identify you) https://www.torproject.org/download/download(copy and paste the URL to download TOR browser)